===== Report Export ===== **CSV, XML, PDF Export** There is no limit of entries anymore concerning the export as XML,CSV or PDF (Previously there was a limit of 20000 entries). But keep in mind, that the creation of large reports will take a considerable amount of time and load. Depending on your hardware the download of very large reports may take several minutes and currently no feedback is given by the service when a "Download report" request is made. (This will be added in future versions). The field description applies to the CSV columns! * time: the node contains a formatted time string of the local time * object: the PBX object name (also called cn) * conference id: the conference id of the call * call: int (internal) or ext (external) call * Original Called,: In case of Call flow; The original called device * Diverting,: In case of Call flow; The diverting device * Transferring,: In case of Call flow; The transferring device * node: the node of the PBX object * pbx: the pbx of the PBX object * phys: physical location name of the pbx * cause: the decimal disconnect reason of the call (see Reference:ISDN_Cause_Codes) * remote: * outgoing calls -> dialed endpoint * incoming calls -> first ep2 above entry event or entry event if this is the first one * incoming calls with incoming transfer after entry event -> transfer target * status: * outgoing calls -> best found status in call flow * incoming calls -> status of entry event * type: the type of the entry event or, if not set, the type of the next event, if given * empty: direct call * ct: call transfer * cf: call forward * cct: call transfer with consultation * pu: call pickup * direction: o (outgoing) if the first event is the entry event and the caller is ep1 * direction: i (incoming) if not o * alert-duration: alert time * Billing Duration: the duration, a user must be billed for * outgoing call -> duration from the first event until the last event in the flow * incoming call -> duration from the first transfer/forward event until the last event in the flow * call-duration/Call Duration (Total): duration of the whole call, e.g. with the duration of a subsequent transfer * conn-duration/Call Duration (User): just the time, the user was connected. Duration from the entry event until the event, where the local endpoint isn't connected any more * Further Registration: If more than one devices is registered to the same object, each device creates a CDR. This field identifies the additional CDRs for the same call * Object Info: combination of object names and number * Date: extracted date only from the time_string * Time_2: extracted time only from the time_string Note that a CSV export doesn't contain the whole call flow! ----- Legend of used symbols: {{:reporting:reporting_symbol_legend.png?200|}}